Wish Chest Gift List

Want the EASIEST way to make a gift list for your kiddo? We’ve got you covered! Come in and create one with our Wish Chest. Your kiddo will have fun filling up the treasure chest with everything they’d love to get, and You get to relax on our sofa and drink a complimentary coffee 😊. And when you’re done, we’ll set up an online registry so your friends and family, wherever they are, can buy a present and have it wrapped and ready for your kiddo’ big day with about five clicks of a button.

Birthday Party Room

Are you hosting your kiddo’s birthday in our new party room? That’s awesome! Not only is it fun & easy for the birthday boy or girl to come in and make a gift list with the Wish Chest, but on “Party Day” Artie the Dragon will hand deliver every present purchased from the Wish Chest. Your birthday kiddo will feel like royalty when they sit on our giant throne and Artie hands them golden presents from his giant bag! Out-of-town family & friends can’t make the party? We’ve got the next best thing…. send em’ a video of Artie “presenting” the birthday kiddo with their present!

It’s great for in-town gifters too. Make it easy for your fellow parents! They can pick out a present whenever it’s convenient for them. If that means the day of the party (five minutes after they’ve dropped their kids off for the party) then no-problemo! We’ll get it gift wrapped in gold paper (with a charming enclosure card attached!) and into Artie’s big bag o’ gifts right in time for the party!