The Dungeon


Feeling adventurous? Visit The Dungeon. Filled with toys for exploration (and super comfy seating!) The Dungeon features a zipline, archery practice room, climbing toys, play houses, and more! The Dungeon is open during our regular business hours, so come in and see what kinds of adventures you’ll embark on!

  • The hanging Hugglepod offers a great retreat in the clouds. The comfy cushions and shade acts as a relaxing oasis from all the action!
  • Have you ever wanted to climb Mt. Everest, but couldn’t quite squeeze it into your schedule? Try out our Mountain climber! It’s a seven foot tall peak with hand holds to aid in scaling the heights, and a cave in the middle so you can take a break.
  • Are you worried that your Archery skills might be getting a bit rusty? Our Archery course is for you! We’ve dedicated one of our Dungeon rooms to honing your abilities with the bow. Practice by shooting at our hand painted dragon target (Please note: No dragons were harmed in the making of this archery range)
  • Maybe you like a little more action while you’re in the air? Try out the zip line! (We like to pretend we’re escaping from a castle tower high above the courtyard)
  • And we haven’t forgotten about parents either! Raising kiddos is hard work, so we’ve added a lounge in the Dungeon so adults can take a break and kick up their feet. Sip on some of our free coffee and enjoy our couches and chairs.